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Microsoft plans to appeal against ‘Skype’ CTM rejection

Post Time:2015-05-11 Source:TBO Author: Views:
Microsoft, which owns online communication service Skype, has said it will appeal against an EU court’s decision to reject its Community trademark (CTM) applications for the word ‘Skype’.

On May 5, the court ruled that three CTM applications for the word would cause a “likelihood of confusion” with another CTM owned by UK-based broadcasting company Sky.

“The term ‘Sky’ which makes up the earlier mark appears in full in the beginning of the mark applied for. It thus represents three fifths of the letters … its single syllable [Sky] is fully heard in the mark applied for when it is pronounced,” the court concluded.

A spokesperson for Sky said that the case was part of “long-running dispute” with Skype.

“Our intention has been to protect the Sky brand with our research showing that similarities in name and logo have the potential to confuse customers,” the spokesperson added.