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Brazil improves industrial design examination procedure

Post Time:2024-09-11 Source:ec.europa.eu Author: Views:

INPI improves the industrial design examination procedure:

On 1 August 2024, Brazil's National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) optimised the examination process for industrial designs by allowing the applicant's declaration of truthfulness to be sufficient to fulfill the formal requirements of the power of attorney, eliminating the need to check its content, except in specific cases.

INPI Brazil updates its Trade Mark Manual

INPI has announced that from August 2024 the Trade Mark Manual will be updated continuously, with the date of the last update instead of the edition number. In addition, new clarifications have been added regarding the need for express authorisation when registering names, signatures or images as trade marks.

Brazil approves IP law to protect electronic games

In May 2024, the Legal Framework for the Electronic Games Industry (Law 14.852/24) entered into force in Brazil, amending the national Industrial Property Law to include the registration of electronic games as a form of IP rights protection. This new law covers software used in mobile applications, websites, video game consoles, and virtual reality games as well as the related physical device (hardware). However, it does not cover electronic games of chance.